They say what u currently face u think about it in the succeding times.So,as i am facing the exams now the topic of exams is inevitable,and while trying to think bout it i fell into a deep trouble in finding its real meaning.
According to WIKIPEDIA the defination of Examination is given as:-
"In an academic or professional context, examinations (or exams for short) are tests which aim to determine the ability of a student or a prospective practitioner. Exams are usually written tests, although some may be practical or have practical components, and vary greatly in structure, content and difficulty depending on the subject, the age group of the tested persons and the profession"
If u carefully note it states to judge the ability of a student.Now here i fall into a fix,does according to our country's examination procedure ability means how much u can mug up? and not how much u can innovate?Ya this a real problem they must think of. Take any board CBSE,ICSE,WBSC,SSC etc what do the question comprises of.No prizes for guessing just Questions repeated over and over during a long period.
Why?are the students too dumb to answer tricky questions ?Whats the meaning of getting 99.97% in the exam when u know that 2+2=4 but cant get the value of X from X+2=4.Ya i'm not joking here this really happened. The administrative head of each board concerned shoul really look into this matter and try to resolve it or else one day will come when we the stupid indian muggers will be in deep pitch.
Brother there is no one to hear such words... but anyways I like your thoughts on the exam system and could find some excuses for my under-performances :)
Exam......Again this term,which I hated most.
Since I joined the school,this term has glued into my ears and I thought it would get shed after the colg,but no,I was greatly mistaken,
it will not get shed,so many exmz are there, that I need to give for my job, and I think the term exam will remain with us forever,becoz life itself is an exam,and in every step we have to prove ourselves,so "Exam" since Childhood-Death.
i agree with you tirtha......
i hope CU gets some time to read this out....
Not only CU !!!To bring about a change in the examination pattern requires a change in the education system!!!if classes r not held regularly or if we students get biased to read topics dat r very common in exam then d inherent thinking capability of student is lost!!hv heard of open book exams and many other such systems!!Lets hope d nxt gen is able to see some changes in d edu system!
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